საქართველოს მოქალაქეთა და საქართველოში მცხოვრებ უცხოელთა რეგისტრაციის, პირადობის (ბინადრობის) მოწმობისა და საქართველოს მოქალაქის პასპორტის გაცემის წესის შესახებ


საქართველოს კანონის შესაბამისად, 2024 წლის პირველი ივლისიდან უქმდება გაცემული საქართველოს მოქალაქის პირადობის ის მოქმედი არაელექტრონული (ინფორმაციის ელექტრონული მატარებლის არმქონე) მოწმობები, რომლებიც გაცემულია 2011 წლის 28 ივლისამდე. აღნიშნულიდან გამომდინარე, 2024 წლის პირველი ივლისიდან, თიბისი ბანკი მომხმარებლებს მომსახურებას ვერ გაუწევს არაელექტრონული (ლამინირებული) პირადობის მოწმობის საფუძველზე. მომსახურების შეუფერხებლად მიღების მიზნით, მომხმარებელმა ბანკს უნდა წარუდგინოს განახლებული პირადობის დამადასტურებელი დოკუმენტი.

Updated Cash Withdrawal Rates For Concept Clients


Please be informed regarding changes in cash withdrawal fees on accounts
Follow the link to find updated rates offered to Concept customers.

Thank you for using our services

January 19 - National holidays


Dear customers,

Please, be informed that January 19 is a national holiday. TBC branches will be closed.

For Service Centers' working schedules please visit the following link

Thank you for using our services.



Fee for depositing money to the account of a legal entity


The fee for depositing up to 1500 GEL into a legal person's account in TBC branches/service centers is 1 GEL. The service is free via TBC Pay self-service kiosks (including TBC Pay kiosks in TBC branches/service centres), where no fee is charged for depositing up to 3000 GEL into a legal person's account.

Important information regarding currency transactions


Please be informed that the Bank's internal policy prohibits direct or indirect transactions with sanctioned countries including the Islamic Republic of Iran. In particular, the prohibition applies to international trade settlements where the counterparty, the country of the origin of goods, the transportation route or the country of registration of the transport involved (in air, water, land and railway transportation) is Iran/related to Iran or any other sanctioned country. The Bank reserves the right to close customer accounts without prior notice if the above-described circumstances are detected.

Find out more.

Libor-ის ინდექსი უქმდება - რა უნდა ვიცოდეთ


2021 წლის 05 მარტს „დიდი ბრიტანეთის ფინანსური ზედამხედველობის სააგენტომ" („FCA") დაადასტურა თარიღები, რომლის მიხედვითაც მსოფლიოში ერთ-ერთი ყველაზე პოპულარული საჯარო ინდექსი LIBOR-ი (London Interbank Offered Rate) შეწყვეტს არსებობას და აღარ მოხდება მისი გამოქვეყნება.
LIBOR-ი, რომელსაც მსოფლიოში, მათ შორის საქართველოში მოქმედი ბანკები საპროცენტო განაკვეთების დაანგარიშებისას იყენებენ, ჩანაცვლდება მსგავსი საჯარო ინდექსით - Term SOFR (The Secured Overnight Financing Rate), რომელიც არის უფრო გამჭვირვალე და ლიკვიდური, უკეთესად აკმაყოფილებს მარეგულირებლის, ასევე, საბაზრო მოთხოვნებს და მაქსიმალურად მორგებულია მომხმარებლების ინტერესებზე.

Find out more.

Import/export regulations and restrictions related to the Russian Federation


Please be informed regarding import/export regulations and restrictions related to the Russian Federation. 

Find out more.

Changes in services




Please be advised of the following changes in services available on the Bank's premises, to be introduced from 01.08. 2022:

  1. You will be able to perform banking transactions only through card account(s) linked to payment card(s) that has/have not expired and/or has/have not been cancelled. This restriction does not apply to card account(s) indicated as an account to service a loan.
  2. If you do not have banking account(s) and/or have card account(s), you will be able to perform banking transactions through a transit account in all currencies except GEL, USD, EUR and GBP.
  3. If you are a non-entrepreneur individual, you will be able to open current accounts only in currencies other than card account currencies (GEL, USD, EUR, GBP). Instead of current accounts, you can use card accounts (GEL, USD, EUR, GBP) for the same purpose.


Thank you for using our services


TBC Bank has been named as the leading trade finance partner bank in Georgia for the fifth time by Asian Development Bank

TBC Bank was recognized by the ADB's Trade Finance Program (TFP) with the Leading Partner Bank Award in Georgia for 2019. The Bank recorded the highest number of TFP-supported transactions for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.

The awards ceremony was held in Singapore 3 September and attended by about 200 representatives of different banks and financial institutions from 15 countries. ADB's TFP recognized 20 partner banks, which ADB cooperates more actively, with 23 different awards.

Since 2009, ADB's TFP has supported more than 15,000 SMEs across developing Asia—through over 21,000 transactions valued at over $36 billion—in sectors ranging from commodities and capital goods, to medical supplies and consumer goods. For more information, visit the TFP website. ADB is committed to achieving a prosperous, inclusive, resilient, and sustainable Asia and the Pacific, while sustaining its efforts to eradicate extreme poverty. In 2018, it made commitments of new loans and grants amounting to $21.6 billion. Established in 1966, it is owned by 68 members—49 from the region.

Announcement of TBC Bank Group PLC ("TBC PLC")

TBC Bank Group PLC ("TBC PLC") confirms that, further to today's announcement by the Georgian office of Public Prosecution,  the Chairman and Deputy Chairman have decided to step down from the board of TBC PLC with immediate effect. They have both arrived at this  decision after careful consideration in order to ensure that the allegations made against them do not affect the Group and to be able to concentrate on refuting those allegations.

The Board and the Management would like to thank the Chairman and the Deputy Chairman for their vision when they founded the bank in the early 1990's and their invaluable contributions in successfully turning it into one of the largest and most respected companies in the South Caucasus region. 

Find out more...

Changes in withdrawal limits for Remittances sent from Russia


Please be informed that withdrawal limits in Georgia for remittances from Russia will change from 4 July 2022. 

Customers will be able to withdraw at a time a remittance of max. 2000 USD/EUR, 150 000 Rubles, or 6000 GEL.

Application fee for non-resident individuals

Please be informed that the fee for reviewing the application for registration of banking products of a non-resident individual is 50 GEL.

The fee applies to any non-resident individual who does not have at least one active account.

Visa and Mastercard have ceased all operations with Russian financial institutions

Please, be informed that Visa and Mastercard have ceased all operations with Russian financial institutions. Transactions initiated with Mastercard and Visa cards issued in the Russian Federation will no longer work outside of the country. An official statement regarding this decision was issued by Visa and Mastercard on March 6, 2022. Please, take this fact into consideration in servicing non-resident customers in Georgia.

სახელმწიფო სოციალური დახმარების პროგრამის ხშირად დასმული კითხვები

კოვიდ 19 -ით გამოწვეული უმუშევრობისა და 18 წლამდე არასრულწლოვანი პირების სახელმწიფო სოციალური დახმარების თანხის ჩარიცხვები

გაიგე მეტი