ESRM System TBC Bank was one of the first banks in the country to develop an Environmental and Social Management System (ESMS). Our International Financial Institution (IFI) shareholders – DEG, IFC, EBRD, and FMO – provided expertise and guidance throughout the process to ensure that the Bank implements the most advanced and comprehensive system based on the highest standards of international best practice.
The ESMS Policy focuses on the environmental and social issues associated with commercial lending and investments. The main provisions of the ESMS policy are as follows:
TBC Bank regularly updates the ESRM document together with its shareholder and partner IFIs.
The updated version of the document is in force from 1st of May, 2019. Our commitment to regularly reviewing and upgrading our ESRM document ensures that the Bank effectively manages environmental and social risks associated with its operations in order to minimize its impact on the environment and its stakeholders. |