Business Plan

Business Plan for Individuals

Product / Service Business Plan Yellow (for Individuals) Business Plan Purple (for Individuals) Business Plan Blue (for Individuals) Standard Terms and Conditions
Monthly 2 GEL/ Annual 20 GEL Monthly 5 GEL/ Annual 50 GEL Monthly 10 GEL/ Annual 100 GEL
Business Club Visa Gold Free Free Free The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
Cash withdrawal from TBC and partner banks' ATMs GEL - Free
USD/EUR – 0.2%
GEL - Free
USD/EUR – 0.2%
GEL - Free
USD/EUR – 0.2%
The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
Cash withdrawal from other banks' ATMs  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
ATM withdrawal limit daily 5,000 daily 15,000 daily 20,000 The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
weekly N/A weekly 75,000 weekly 80,000
Purchase limit daily 10,000 daily N/A  daily N/A  The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
weekly 70,000 weekly 100,000 weekly 100,000
Cash withdrawal from subscription plan card account in TBC Bank branches   <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL
<=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP
 >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %
External transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches   0<= 10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 -  100 GEL
0<= 10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 -  100 GEL
0<= 10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 -  100 GEL
0<= 10,000 - 4  GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 10  GEL
>100,000 -  100  GEL
External transfers in GEL from digital channels 0<=500  GEL  - Free
500<=1,000  GEL - 1  GEL
1,000<=10,000  GEL  - 2  GEL
10,000 <=100,000  GEL  - 5  GEL
>100,000  GEL - 50  GEL
0<=1,000 - Free
1,000<= 10,000  - 2 GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 5 GEL  
>100,000 – 50 GEL
Fixed 1 GEL 0<=1,000 - 1  GEL
1,000<= 10,000  - 2  GEL
10,000<= 100,000 - 5  GEL
>100,000 – 50  GEL
External transfers in foreign currency  USD Fixed 15 USD USD 0.2% მინ. 15 USD, მაქს. 500 USD
EUR Fixed 15 EUR Other foreign currency 0.2% min. 15 EUR/ 15 EUR equiv., max. 150 EUR/ 150 EUR equiv.
Internal transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches   1 GEL 1 GEL 1 GEL 1 GEL
Internal transfers in GEL from digital channels Free Free Free Free
Internal transfers in foreign currency from TBC Bank branches   Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL
Internal transfers in foreign currency from digital channels Free Free Free Free
Utility payments in digital channels 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment - 2,5 GEL
SMS service Free Free Free 1 GEL monthly
Digipass application Free Free Free 10 GEL

The Client is aware of their right to refuse to accept the product/service provided within the scope of this Application (Agreement). The Rules/Terms and Conditions of refusing a product-service are set out in the Agreement on Banking Transactions published on the Bank's website

Business Plan for Companies

Product / Service Business Plan Startaper (for Companies) Business Plan Yellow (for Companies) Business Plan Purple (for Companies) Business Plan Blue (for Companies) Standard Terms and Conditions
Monthly 5 GEL Monthly 10 GEL/ Annual 100 GEL Monthly 20 GEL/ Annual 200 GEL Monthly 50 GEL/ Annual 500 GEL
Business Club Visa Business Free Free Free Free The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
Cash withdrawal from TBC and partner banks' ATMs 0,2 % Free Free Free The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
Cash withdrawal from other banks' ATMs  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL  The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
ATM withdrawal limit daily 20,000 daily 5,000 daily 15,000 daily 20,000 The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
weekly 75,000 weekly N/A weekly 75,000 weekly 80,000
Purchase limit daily N/A  daily 10,000 daily N/A  daily N/A  The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
weekly 120,000 weekly 70,000 weekly 100,000 weekly 100,000
Cash withdrawal from subscription plan account in TBC Bank branches   <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL
 >3000 - 0,2 %  >3000 - 0,2 % <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP
 >3000 - 0,2 %; >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000 - 0,2 %; >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000 - 0,2 %; >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %
External transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches 0<=1000 GEL - 5 GEL
1,000<=10,000 GEL - 10 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL -  20 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 200 GEL
0<=1000 GEL - 5 GEL
1,000<=10,000 GEL - 10 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL -  20 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 200 GEL
0<=1000 GEL - 5 GEL
1,000<=10,000 GEL - 10 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL -  20 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 200 GEL
0<=1000 GEL - 5 GEL
1,000<=10,000 GEL - 10 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL -  20 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 200 GEL
0<=1000 GEL - 5 GEL
1,000<=10,000 GEL - 10 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL -  20 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 200 GEL
External transfers in GEL from digital channels 0<=1,000 GEL - 1 GEL
1,000<= 10,000 GEL - 5 GEL 
10,000<= 100,000 GEL - 10 GEL
>100,000 GEL -  100 GEL
0>=500 GEL - Free
500<=1,000 GEL - 1 GEL 
1,000 <= 10,000 GEL - 5 GEL
10,000<=100,000 GEL - 10 GEL
>100,000 GEL - 100 GEL
  0<=1000 -  Free
1,000<= 10,000 GEL - 5 GEL
10,000<= 100,000 GEL - 10 GEL   
>100,000 GEL - 100 GEL        
  fixed 1 GEL 0<=1,000 GEL - 1 GEL
1,000<= 10,000 GEL - 5 GEL 
10,000<= 100,000 GEL - 10 GEL
>100,000 GEL -  100 GEL
External transfers in foreign currency  USD Fixed 15 USD USD 0.2% min. 15 USD, max. 500 USD
EUR Fixed 15 EUR Other foreign currency 0.2% min. 15 eur/ 15 EUR equiv., max. 500 eur
Internal transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches   3 GEL 3 GEL 3 GEL 3 GEL 3 GEL
Internal transfers in GEL from digital channels Free Free Free Free Free
Internal transfers in foreign currency from TBC Bank branches Equiv. 3 GEL Equiv. 3 GEL Equiv. 3 GEL Equiv. 3 GEL Equiv. 3 GEL
Internal transfers in foreign currency from digital channels Free Free Free Free Free
Visa Business card Free 150 GEL
Utility payments in digital channels 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment-Free 5 Payment - 2,5 GEL
SMS service Free Free Free Free 1 GEL monthly
Internet Bank Free Free Free Free 15 GEL quarterly  
Digipass application Free Free Free Free 20 GEL

The Client is aware of their right to refuse to accept the product/service provided within the scope of this Application (Agreement). The Rules/Terms and Conditions of refusing a product-service are set out in the Agreement on Banking Transactions published on the Bank's website 


For legal entities whose beneficiary/shareholder/controlling person is a non-resident individual(s), the bank product registration fee, including the fee for account opening application review, is 500 GEL.
Current account opening Free
Current account maintenance 0 GEL, monthly
Cash withdrawals from current account GEL - 0.2%; Other currency (USD/EUR/GBP/CHF) - <50,000 USD - 0.6%, >= 50,000 USD - 0.5%
Cash deposits to current account at the branch Up to 1500 GEL (equivalent in USD, EUR) - Free, From 1500 GEL (equivalent in USD, EUR) - 1 GEL
Savings account opening and maintenance Free
* According to Decree 8 of the Council of the National Bank of Georgia on the Circulation Period of 1 and 2 Tetri Denomination Coins, the circulation period of 1 and 2 denomination coins expired at the end of 2020, while before the end of 2021, commercial banks will exchange 1 and 2 tetri coins. The value of the cash transaction carried out in the form of coins must be a multiple of 5. For more details, please visit the NBG website: /

Transfers and currency exchange

Transfers in digital bank one's own accounts and with others (in any currency)


Transfer between own accounts and with others in branches (in any currency) 3 GEL (equivalent in foreign currencies)

To other banks* - GEL

Amount of Transfer

Digital Bank


Up to 1000 GEL



From 1000 GEL to 10 000 GEL


10 GEL

From 10 000 GEL to 100 000 GEL

10 GEL

20 GEL

100 000 GEL and more

100 GEL

200 GEL

To other banks* - USD/EUR

0.2% min. 15 USD, max. 500 USD

0.2% min. 15 EUR, max. 500 EUR

State budget transfers - GEL

Amount of Transfer

Digital Bank


Up to 1000 GEL



From 1000 GEL to 10 000 GEL


10 GEL

From 10 000 GEL to 100 000 GEL

10 GEL

20 GEL

100 000 GEL and more

100 GEL

200 GEL

State budget transfers - USD/EUR



Transfer limits (using Internet, Mobile, iPad banking)

Unlimited, using digipass

Amendment to payment order/investigation


55 USD

Other currency

55 EUR

Utility payment from branch


Utility payment using internet banking, mobile banking

0.5 GEL

Currency exchange with TBC Bank's rates - upon request


Currency exchange with one day prior notification

In accordance with treasury department

1 – The recipient will receive the full amount transferred if extra 20 USD/30 EUR is paid. Otherwise, the intermediary bank's fee will be deducted from the transferred amount.

Rounding rules for cash payments.

In compliance with Decree #7 of 5 October, 2018 of the Council of the National Bank of Georgia "On the Approval of the Rounding Method for Cash Payments and the Rule for Using the Method", from 1 January 2019, the rounding method will apply to currency exchange through cash transactions, i.e. the charged amount will be rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 5.

For more details and examples, please visit the National Bank of Georgia's website

Money transfer details and working hours

GEL payment order

Necessary banking details for initiating a GEL payment order:

  • Receiving bank code;
  • Receiving bank IBAN;
  • Recipient name;
  • Your GEL payment order will be accepted during the working hours of the servicing branch;
  • An internal GEL payment order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before

20:00 – on weekdays

14:00  - on Saturday

Note: An internal GEL payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day if it is subject to an additional check from the Bank.

  • An external GEL order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before

17:30 – on weekdays.

Note: An external GEL payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day.


Foreign currency payment orders

Necessary banking details for initiating a foreign currency payment order:

  • Receiving bank code;
  • Receiving bank IBAN;
  • Recipient name;
  • A document testifying to the legality of transfer/an invoice (for transfers ≥ 100 000 GEL equivalent according to the official exchange rate)
  • Your foreign currency payment order will be accepted during the working hours of the servicing branch;
  • An internal foreign currency payment order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before:

20:00 – on weekdays

14:00  - on Saturday

Note: An internal foreign currency payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day if it is subject to an additional check from the Bank.

  • The Bank will transfer an external foreign currency payment order to the receiving bank on the same day if the order is initiated before

18:00 – on weekdays.

Note: An external foreign currency payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day.


Correction of transfer/inquest



55 USD

Other currency

55 EUR

* In case of additional 20 USD/30 EUR fee, beneficiary will receive full transfers amount. Otherwise, beneficiary might receive amount reduced by intermediary bank's fee

Bmatch platform service

In line with the Regulation of the National Bank of Georgia, non-banking market participants can already participate in the Bloomberg Bmatch Currency Platform with the help of TBC Bank Brokerage Service. The mentioned change aims to diversify the Currency Market participants, increase transparency and liquidity and encourage competition in the Currency Market.
Legal and natural persons can file currency conversion applications on the Bmatch platform with the help of TBC Bank. The applications can be filed via internet banking after signing the Currency Service Agreement.
These are the terms for filing applications on the Bloomberg Bmatch Platform:
  • Minimum amount: 100 000 USD, with 10 000 USD bids 
  • Application currencies: USD/GEL
  • Amount must be deposited in account at the time of filing an application
  • One can choose the exchange rate


Fees on the Bloomberg Bmatch Platform:

Application filing fee

100 GEL

Application modification fee

100 GEL

Application cancellation fee

100 GEL

Per transaction settlement fee – GEL


Per transaction settlement fee – USD

0.2% maximum 500 USD

Remote services




Internet banking registration fee



Internet banking quarterly fee

15 GEL

15 GEL

Internet banking quarterly fee for viewer-only access



TBC DIGIPASS application initial registration fee

20 GEL


TBC DIGIPASS application repeated installation fee



DIGIPASS device initial registration fee

85 GEL

85 GEL

DIGIPASS device replacement fee

85 GEL

85 GEL

Phone banking



Direct debit, standing order



SMS service monthly fee



* This tariff applies to startups, whose registration period does not exceed 6 months

**if standing order is for transfers outside TBC Bank, standard transfer fees apply

Business cards and limits

Business Card annual service fee 150 GEL
Renewal of damaged/lost card 150 GEL
Min. balance requirement

Not required

Cash withdrawal fees in TBC branches

Up to 3,000 GEL will be 2% (min. 2 GEL), 

for foreign currency withdrawals up to 1000 USD/EUR/GBP - 2% (min. 1 USD/EUR/GBP). above 3,000 GEL - 0.6%

Cash withdrawal fees in other banks' branches 2%, min.3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL
Cash withdrawal in TBC Bank, Basis Bank, Halyk and Credo Bank ATMs
  • GEL - 0.2% , min. 0.2 GEL
Withdrawal from cards in Liberty Bank ATM's 0.7%, min. 0.3 GEL
Cash withdrawal in other banks' ATMs 2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP, or 6 GEL
24 hr withdrawal limit (in banks) Unlimited in TBC Bank, other banks - 35,000 GEL USD
24 hr withdrawal limit (in ATMs) 15,000 GEL
Weekly purchase limit 100,000 GEL
Weekly ATM withdrawal limit 75,000 GEL
Stop list (local) Free
Stop list (international) 50 USD per region, weekly

Documentary letter of credit

For fees please contact Documentary Operations Unit at:


For fees please contact Documentary Operations Unit at:


For fees please contact Documentary Operations Unit at:

Other Services

Individual safe boxes (per 24 hr) 0.5 - 3.5 GEL
Accepted damaged foreign currency 10%
Deposit of Turkish Lira, Azerbaijanian Manat, Australian Dollar, Israeli Shekel, Danish Krone, Polish Zloty, Swedish Krona and Japanese Yen banknotes into an account 3%
Deposit of Russian Ruble banknotes into an account 10%
Banknote authenticity verification 0.1% min. 10 GEL
Cash collection Price negotiable
Issuance of any type of statement on TBC Bank customer data and accounts from active accounts 10 GEL
from closed accounts 30 GEL
Issuing statement on the arrears to be paid to the bank from active accounts 10 GEL
from closed accounts 10 GEL
Recovery of a less than 2-year-old document from the program (marked as "Copy" and bearing the bank transaction seal, if required). from active accounts Free
from closed accounts Free
Recovery of a more than 2-year-old document from the program (marked as "Copy" and bearing the bank transaction seal, if required). from active accounts 10 GEL
from closed accounts 10 GEL
Issuance of the original copy of any document from the archive* (signed by the client and the bank officer) from active accounts 40 GEL

Retrieval of a statement from the Bank's program (for transactions carried out less than 2 years ago)  

Active account


Closed account * *


Retrieval of a statement from the Bank's program (for transactions carried out more than 2 years ago)  

Active account

20 GEL

Closed account

30 GEL

Individual English translation of a bank statement *** (for transactions carried out less than 2 years ago)  

Active account

20 GEL

Closed account

30 GEL

Individual English translation of a bank statement (for transactions carried out more than 2 years ago)

Active account

30 GEL

Closed account

40 GEL

Deposit/loan statement

Effective agreement


Less than 2 years have passed from the closing/termination of the agreement


More than 2 years have passed from the closing/termination of the agreement

30 GEL

  • Program statements are issued immediately upon request 
*Except deposit and loan agreements.
**In the case of closed accounts, 2 years refer to a period before closing;
** Rules for issuing statements translated into English individually:
  • If requested before 18:30, an English translation of a bank statement is issued on the same business day;
  • If requested after 18:30, an English translation of a bank statement is issued on the following business day;
  • If requested after 13:45 on Saturday, an English translation of a bank statement is issued on the following business day before 12:00.