Subscription Plans

Product/ Service * Plan Two *** Plan Five Plan Ten Standard Terms and Conditions
Monthly ** 2 GEL/Annual 20 GEL  Monthly 5 GEL/Annual 50 GEL Monthly 10 GEL/Annual 110 GEL
Visa Gold/ MC Gold/ Digital Card 2 cards- free 2 cards- free 2 cards- free Only Digital Card is available separately, without the subscription plan - 1 GEL monthly                           
Cash withdrawal from TBC ATMs 0.2%   0% 0% Separately purchased Digital Card- 0,2 %             
Cash withdrawal from Partner Bank ATMs 0.2% 0% 0% Separately purchased Digital Card- 0,2 %             
Cash withdrawal from other banks' ATMs 2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL 2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL 2%, min. 3 USD/EUR/GBP or 6 GEL The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
ATM withdrawal limit -24 hours 5,000 GEL 10,000 GEL 15,000 GEL Separately purchased Digital Card - 5,000 GEL
ATM cash withdrawal limit -168 hours - 50,000 GEL 75,000 GEL Separately purchased Digital Card has no 24 hours ATM withdrawal limit
Purchase limit -24 hours 10,000 GEL - - Separately purchased Digital Card - 10,000 GEL
Purchase Limit -168 hours 70,000 GEL 85,000 GEL 100,000 GEL Separately purchased Digital Card- 70,000 GEL
Card insurance - Standart Premium Standart- Annual 5 GEL / Premium- Annual 10 GEL
Inclusion in the STOP list -local free free
Inclusion in the STOP list -international 50 USD per region, once a week 50 USD per region, once a week
Card replacement free free
Cash withdrawal from subscription plan card account in TBC Bank branches   <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL
<=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP
>3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 % >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 % >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 % >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %
External transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches 0<=10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 - 100 GEL
0<=10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 - 100 GEL
0<=10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 - 100 GEL
0<=10,000 - 4 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 10 GEL
>100,000 - 100 GEL
External transfers in GEL from digital channels 0<=1,000 - 1 GEL
1,000<=10,000 - 2 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 5 GEL
>100,000 - 50 GEL
0<=1,000 - free
1,000<=10,000 - 2 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 5 GEL
>100,000 - 50 GEL
fixed 1 GEL 0<=1,000 - 1 GEL
1,000<=10,000 - 2 GEL
10,000<=100,000 - 5 GEL
>100,000 - 50 GEL
External transfers in foreign currency  0.2% min. 15 USD/EUR max. 150 USD/EUR 0.2% min. 15 USD/EUR max. 150 USD/EUR fixed 15 USD/EUR 0.2% min. 15 USD/EUR max. 150 USD/EUR
Internal transfers in GEL from TBC Bank branches 1 GEL 1 GEL 1 GEL 1 GEL
Internal transfers in GEL from digital channels Free Free Free Free
Internal transfers in foreign currency from TBC Bank branches Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL Equiv. 1 GEL
Internal transfers in foreign currency from digital channels Free Free Free Free
Utility payments in digital channels - 5 Payment-free 5 Payment-free 5 Payment-2,5 GEL
SMS service - free free 1 GEL monthly
Internet/mobile banking free free free free
Digipass app - - free 10 GEL
Rompetrol cash back 0.50% 0.50% 0.50% The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 
*The registration application fee for banking facilities for non-residents is 50 GEL. The fee applies to any non-resident individual who does not hold at least one active account with TBC Bank. THe fee paid by the client is not refundable, irrespective of the Bank's decision.
**Under the current campaign, the grace period will apply to Service Plan fee payments as follows: if a customer subscribes to a service plan and selects the billing day of month, the first payment will be charged 2 months from the first billing date. For Example, if the date of subscription is 7 January and the billing day of month is 20, the Service Plan fee will be charged on 20 March, which is two months from the first billing date.
***Plan 2 subscription is free of charge for Ukrainian citizens and for the remittance recipients who are Georgian residents
The Client is aware of their right to refuse to accept the product/service provided within the scope of this Application (Agreement). The Rules/Terms and Conditions of refusing a product-service are set out in the Agreement on Banking Transactions published on the Bank's website


Student's Plan

Product/ Service Student's Plan Standard Terms and Conditions
Monthly /Annual - 0 GEL
2 cards-free Without a subscription plan is only 1 card available
Cash withdrawal from TBC ATMs 0% 0%
Cash withdrawal from partner Bank ATMs 0.2% 0,2 %
Cash withdrawal via Wallet 0.2% min. 0.2 GEL 0.2% min. 0.2 GEL
Cash withdrawal from other banks' ATMs 2%, მინ. 3 USD/EUR/GBP ან 6 GEL    2%, მინ. 3 USD/EUR/GBP ან 6 GEL   
ATM withdrawal limit -24 hours 10,000 GEL 10,000 GEL
ATM cash withdrawal limit -168 hours 50,000 GEL 50,000 GEL
Purchase Limit -168 hours 85,000 GEL 85,000 GEL
Inclusion in the STOP list -local free free
Inclusion in the STOP list -international 50 USD per region, once a week 51 USD per region, once a week
Card replacement free free
Gambling Transactions Restricted Restricted
Cash withdrawal from subscription plan card account in TBC Bank branches   <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL
<=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP
 >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %
Internet/Mobail bank free free
SMS service free 1 GEL monthly
Rompetrol cash back 0.50% The product/ service is not available independently, without the subscription plan 


Pupil's Plan

Product/ Service Pupils's Plan* Standard Terms and Conditions
Monthly /Annual - 0 GEL
2 cards-free Without a subscription plan is only 1 card available
Cash withdrawal from TBC ATMs 0% 0%
Cash withdrawal from partner Bank ATMs 0.2% 0,2 %
Cash withdrawal via Wallet 0.2% მინ. 0.2 ლარი 0.2% მინ. 0.2 ლარი
Cash withdrawal from other banks' ATMs 2%, მინ. 3 USD/EUR/GBP ან 6 GEL  2%, მინ. 3 USD/EUR/GBP ან 6 GEL 
ATM withdrawal limit -24 hours 1000 GEL 1000 GEL
ATM cash withdrawal limit -168 hours 7000 GEL 7000 GEL
Purchase limit -24 hours 1000 GEL 1000 GEL
Purchase Limit -168 hours 7000 GEL 7000 GEL
Inclusion in the STOP list -local free free
Inclusion in the STOP list -international 50 USD per region, once a week 51 USD per region, once a week
Cash withdrawal limit** 10 GEL/20 GEL/ 50 GEL (the limits will apply to withdrawal and purchase separately) 10 GEL/20 GEL/ 50 GEL (the limits will apply to withdrawal and purchase separately)
Card replacement free free
Gambling Transactions Restricted Restricted
Cash withdrawal from subscription plan card account in TBC Bank branches   <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL <= 3,000 GEL - 2%, min. 2 GEL
<=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP <=1000 USD/EURO/GBP -  2% , min. 1 USD/EURO/GBP
 >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %  >3000/ >1000 USD/EURO/GBP - 0,6 %
Internet/Mobail bank free free
SMS service free 1 GEL monthly
*The card is issued to school students between 7 and 18 years of age based on their legal representative's approval.                                              **The limits will only apply if the parent checks the ‘daily spending limit/cash withdrawal' option.  Otherwise, the card will be subject to terms and conditions apply to the table.
*** if a legal representative provides his/her consent:
Minors under 14 years of age can have view-only access to their internet banking account.
Minors 14 years of age and older can have full access to their internet banking account.
The Client is aware of their right to refuse to accept the product/service provided within the scope of this Application (Agreement). The Rules/Terms and Conditions of refusing a product-service are set out in the Agreement on Banking Transactions published on the Bank's website

Credit Cards

Ertguli Card
Annual fee 5 GEL 10 GEL 80 GEL 120 GEL
Additional card's annual fee 5 GEL 10 GEL 40 GEL 60 GEL
Card renewal fee (in case of loss or damage) 5 GEL 10 GEL First year - 40 GEL, then 80 GEL First year - 60 GEL, then 120 GEL

To see full list of fees and percentages, please follow the link:

Partner Banks

Bank Name


Halyk Bank Georgia

Shartava st. 40, 0160 Tbilisi

Basis Bank

Ketevan Tsamebuli Ave. # 1

0103 Tbilisi

Credo Bank

R. Tabukashvili srt. N27 0108
Silk Bank 2 Saarbrucken Square, 0102, Tbilisi, Georgia

cash withdrawal and deposit


Tariff at the branch

Internet banking tariff

Cash withdrawal from My Safe



My Safe opening fee

10 GEL


Cash withdrawal from current account



Paying into a deposit or an account at TBC Pay self-service kiosks (in branches)



Paying into a deposit (at external TBC Pay self-service kiosks)



Loan payment (at TBC Pay self-service kiosks in branches)



Loan payment (at external TBC Pay self-service kiosks)



Withdrawal of loan amount



Deposit into an account at TBC Branches Up to 1500 GEL (equivalent in USD, EUR) 1 GEL -
From 1500 GEL (equivalent in USD, EUR) Free

*According to Decree 8 of the Council of the National Bank of Georgia on the Circulation Period of 1 and 2 Tetri Denomination Coins, the circulation period of 1 and 2 denomination coins expired at the end of 2020, while before the end of 2021, commercial banks will exchange 1 and 2 tetri coins. The value of the cash transaction carried out in the form of coins must be a multiple of 5. For more details, please visit the NBG website: /


EUR withdrawal is only possible at branches and from the following ATMs:

  • Javakheti st. the area around the metro "Varketili", Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • Tbilisi International Airport, Tbilisi
  • 7 K.Marjanishvili Str, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 1/6 District Mukhiani Region, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 49 Vaja Pshavela, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 118 Tsereteli Ave., Tbilisi
  • 23a Guramishvili, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 1 Gori Str, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 2 Gr. Abashidze Str,Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 4, 9 Apirl Str, Tbilisi
  • 6 Pushkini Str, Tbilisi
  • Quarter 1, Building 1a,Digomi, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 123/125 Dadiani Ave.,Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 44 Kavtaradze Str, Tbilisi
  • 71 Vaja Pshavela Ave.,Tbilisi ( TBC Bank S/C)
  • 12 Tsintsadze Str (TBC Bank branch)
  • 28 Bld ,Gldani 3 M/R, Tbilisi
  • 22 Chikobava, Tbilisi
  • 24 Chavchavadze Ave., Tbilisi
  • 44 Al. Kazbegi Ave., Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 20 Romelashvili Str,Tbilisi
  • 8 King Archil Str, Tbilsii
  • 18 A.Gobronidze Str, Tbilisi
  • 16km Aghmashenebely Alley ,Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 61  Agmashenebeli Ave., Tbilisi(TBC Bank branch)
  • 26 Grishashvili str, Kutaisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 58 I. Chavchavadze Ave.,Kutaisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • Kutaisi International Airport, Kutaisi
  • 35a Paliashvili, Kutaisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 18 king Tamar , Kutaisi
  • 2 Shartava Str, Kutaisi  (TBC Bank branch)
  • 37 Zubalashvili str, Batumi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 57/59 Gorgiladze Str, Batumi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 37 Zubalashvili Str , Batumi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 73 Abuseridze, Batumi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 13 Stalini str, Gori (TBC Bank branch)
  • 23 Kutaisi Str, Gori
  • 2 Saakadze Str, Kaspi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 3 Tabukashvili Str, Zugdidi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 85 Agmashenebeli Str, Zestaponi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 5 Rustaveli Circle, Poti
  • 3 Kostava Str, Poti (TBC Bank branch)
  • 10 Sekhniashvili Str, Telavi
  • 29 Alazani Ave, Telavi  (TBC Bank branch)
  • 2 Ramishvili Str, Ozurgeti (TBC Bank branch)
  • 4 Shartava Str, Rustavi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 6 Shartava Str, Rustavi
  • 118a Agmashenebeli Str, Kobuleti  (TBC Bank branch)
  • 3-5 Solomoni Str, Khoni 


$50 bills can be withdrawn from the following ATMs:

  • 2 Railway Station Square,Tbilisi
  • 29 Georgian-American Friendship Ave, Tbilisi
  • 7 K.Marjanishvili Str, Tbilisi (TBC Bank branch)
  • 68 Kostava Str, Tbilisi
  • 44 Ialbuzis, Tbilisi
  • 1 Khizabavri str, Tbilisi
  • 2/4 Rustaveli Ave., Tbilisi
  • 50 Guramishvili Ave., Tbilisi
  • 7 Kaloubani Str, Tbilisi
  • 7 m/r Gldani,  Tbilisi
  • 18 Agmashenebli Alley, Tbilisi
  • Leonidze Str, Rustavi


From 25.11.2022, in case of up to 3000 GEL withdrawals from personal accounts in TBC branches or service centres with the help of a cashier, service manager or consultant, the fee will be 2%, but no less than 2 GEL for GEL withdrawals.

Terms authorized on your payment card will apply in case of TBC ATM withdrawals.


Cash withdrawal terms authorized on your payment card will apply in case of TBC ATM withdrawals.



Debit Card

Credit Card

Apple Pay

TBC Wallet

Garmin Pay

0.2%, min. 0.2 GEL/USD/EUR/GBP

3.9%, min 5.5 GEL


The cash withdrawal rates and limits of the chosen card apply


* The digital cash withdrawal can be done only via TBC ATMs

** Withdrawal of EURO is only available from branches and following ATMs:

Tbilisi - Agmashenebeli ave. 138;
Tbilisi - Kazbegi ave. 24;
Tbilisi - Pushkin st 6;
Tbilisi - Marjanishvli st. 7;
Tbilisi - Chavchavadze ave. 13;
Tbilisi - Gr. Abashidze st. 2;
Kutaisi - Chavchavadze ave. 58;
Kutaisi - International Airport;
Kutaisi - 26 Grishashvili St;
Kutaisi - 35 Faliashvili St;
Gori - Stalin st. 13;
Zugdidi - Tabukashvili st. 3;
Batumi - Zubalashvili st. 37;
Poti - Rustaveli encirclement 5.

Transfers and currency conversion


Without the tariff package

Transfers in digital bank one's own accounts and with others (in any currency)


Transfer between own accounts and with others in branches (any currency) 1 GEL (equivalent in foreign currencies)

To other banks - GEL

Amount of transfer

Digital Bank

Up to 1000 GEL 1 GEL 4 GEL
From 1000 to 10 000 GEL 2 GEL
From 10 000 to 100 000 GEL 5 GEL 10 GEL
100 000 GEL and more 50 GEL 100 GEL

To other banks - USD

0.2% min. 15 USD max. 150 USD1

To other banks - other currencies

0.2% min. 15 EUR max. 150 EUR1

Transfers for non-account holders - GEL

Amount of transfer

Digital Bank

Up to 1000 GEL 1 GEL 4 GEL
From 1000 to 10 000 GEL 2 GEL
From 10 000 to 100 000 GEL 5 GEL 10 GEL
100 000 GEL and more 50 GEL 100 GEL
Transfers for non-account holders - other currencies 0,2% min. 15 USD/EUR max. 150 USD/EUR
Transfer money to another bank or from another bank2
  • From TBC card to another bank's card
  • From another bank's card to TBC card
  • From another bank's card to another bank's card
  • From your electronic wallet to tbc card
  • Money is transferred instantly 24/7
  • Currency: GEL
  • Transfer limit per transaction: 1000 GEL 
  • Transfer fee:
    • Transfers to TBC: Free3
    • Transfers to other banks: 1 GEL3

Limit for transfers with a Digipass code (through internet, mobile and iPad banking)

No limits

Utility bills and other payments in branches


Utility bills and other payments at TBC Pay self-service kiosks

0.5 GEL

Utility bill payments via digital bank

0.5 GEL

Mobile balance top-up via digital bank Free
Purchase of mobile package via digital bank Geocell, Beeline - free;
Magti - 4% of the package value (exception: cocktail 30 - 0.5 GEL);
Currency conversion at the current rate of TBC Bank Free

1 – The recipient will receive the full amount transferred if extra 20 USD/30 EUR is paid. Otherwise, the intermediary bank's fee will be deducted from the transferred amount.

2 – It is not permitted to add, manage, or dispose of cards owned by another person at Mobile Bank while using the service.

3 – It is possible your card will be charged with extra fees if your issuing bank has them.


Rounding rules for cash payments.

In compliance with Decree #7 of 5 October, 2018 of the Council of the National Bank of Georgia "On the Approval of the Rounding Method for Cash Payments and the Rule for Using the Method", from 1 January 2019, the rounding method will apply to currency exchange through cash transactions, i.e. the charged amount will be rounded up or down to the nearest multiple of 5.

For more details and examples, please visit the National Bank of Georgia's website


Money transfer details and working hours

GEL payment order

Necessary banking details for initiating a GEL payment order:

  • Receiving bank code;
  • Receiving bank IBAN;
  • Recipient name;
  • Your GEL payment order will be accepted during the working hours of the servicing branch;
  • An internal GEL payment order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before

20:00 – on weekdays

14:00  - on Saturday

Note: An internal GEL payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day if it is subject to an additional check from the Bank.

  • An external GEL order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before

17:30 – on weekdays.

Note: An external GEL payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day.

Foreign currency payment orders

Necessary banking details for initiating a foreign currency payment order:

  • Receiving bank code;
  • Receiving bank IBAN;
  • Recipient name;
  • A document testifying to the legality of transfer/an invoice (for transfers ≥ 100 000 GEL equivalent according to the official exchange rate)
  • Your foreign currency payment order will be accepted during the working hours of the servicing branch;
  • An internal foreign currency payment order will be completed on the same day if it is initiated before:

20:00 – on weekdays

14:00  - on Saturday

Note: An internal foreign currency payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day if it is subject to an additional check from the Bank.

  • The Bank will transfer an external foreign currency payment order to the receiving bank on the same day if the order is initiated before

18:00 – on weekdays.

Note: An external foreign currency payment order accepted in a service center-on-duty and a 24/7 service center after the stated hours and on non-working days will be completed on the following working day.

Correction of transfer/inquest



55 USD

Other currency

55 EUR


Important information regarding currency transactions 

Money Transfers

Western Union From 0.5% GEL, USD, EUR
Ria From 0.8% GEL, USD, EUR
Moneygram From 1% min 2 USD, EUR USD, EUR
Zalataya Korona From 0.5% USD, EUR, RUB
Unistream From 0.6% GEL, USD, EUR, RUB, GBP
Contact From 1% USD, EUR, RUB
Intelexpress From 0.6% GEL, USD, EUR, GBP
Ricogram From 0.9% GEL, USD, EUR
Mardi min. from 5 units



For detailed fees, please see the following links:


Remote services

Internet banking, Mobile banking, iPad banking Free
Digipass 20 GEL
TBC Digipass application 10 GEL Free
Phone banking Free
Direct debit, standing order Free
SMS service 1 GEL, monthly Free

Other Services

  Without Tariff Package Stimulus Universal Status
Individual safe boxes From 0.5 to 3.5 GEL p/day
Accepted damaged foreign currency 2%
Deposit of Azerbaijanian Manat, Australian Dollar, Israeli Shekel, Danish Krone, Polish Zloty, Swedish Krona and Japanese Yen banknotes into an account 3%
Deposit of Turkish Lira banknotes into an account 5%
Deposit of Russian Ruble banknotes into an account 10%
Banknote authenticity verification 0.1% min. 10 GEL
Statement regarding any banking account 10 GEL
Less than 2 year term account statement (GEO) Free
Less than 2 year term account statement (ENG) 5 GEL
More than 2 year term account statement (except current loan/credit card statement) (GEO) 10 GEL
More than 2 year term account statement (ENG) 10 GEL
2 year remote statement 10 GEL
Document renewal from archive 10 GEL

Foreign currency transactions

Please be informed that the Bank's internal policy prohibits direct or indirect transactions with sanctioned countries including Iran. In particular, the prohibition applies to international trade settlements where the counterparty, the country of the origin of goods or the transportation route is Iran or related to Iran, whether directly or indirectly.

When importing goods, please make sure that the transportation route includes non-sanctioned countries only and that you have all the necessary documents with you, so that your international transactions are not rejected but completed successfully. Otherwise, the transaction may be delayed until the issue is resolved or blocked by the intermediary banks until the sanctions are removed.

The Bank additionally reserves the right to require the following documents on a mandatory basis for international transactions, regardless of transaction description and amount:

  • Invoice/agreement that includes the transportation route;
  • Certificate of the Origin of Goods;
  • Bill of Lading.


If any of the aforementioned documents does not include the transportation route, you are required to submit the pre-agreed Terms of Delivery.

The documents are required for all international transactions where the country of the receiving bank is China – CN, Singapore – SG, India – IN, Hong Kong – HK, the United Arab Emirates – AE, Iraq – IQ, Turkey –  TR, Pakistan – PK (the list of countries may change).

The documents must be in English.

Opening an account for natural persons with no Georgian citizenship

The following documents must be presented when opening an account for natural persons with no Georgian citizenship:
1. An identity card (international passport or any other document acceptable for crossing the state border of Georgia) of a person who wants to have an account opened;
2. A self-declaration on the need of receiving/using the banking service/products in Georgia that must contain information on the goal of opening an account and expected banking transactions (to be signed during the visit to the Bank).
3. The Bank may additionally request the following information: 
Documents evidencing the source of origin of funds to be transferred/deposited in accounts
Filling out a special questionnaire
Document evidencing a legal/actual address
Activity-related information and/or documents. The information included in the presented documents must confirm the information submitted/declared by a person to the Bank. 
Any other document/information defined by the Bank.