Dear customers, We would like to share with you regularly a few tips on how to stay safe from cybercriminal. Phishing is a widespread form of cyber fraud aimed to trick a user into giving away his/her sensitive personal data. Phishers create corporate websites or sent you emails "on behalf" of a company in which they ask you to enter your personal data (password, payment card number, etc.). For example, TBC Bank's internet banking website address is "". Cybercriminals may set up a similar website, - e.g. "", "" or "" - and trick you into giving away your data. Therefore, before entering your personal data, it is very important to make sure that you are logging on TBC Bank's secure domain. To protect yourself from this type of internet fraud:
Remember that a phisher will try to trick you by adopting an image that is familiar to you. Please be cautious and enter your data only on authentic websites. This is the only way to minimize the risks. Thank you for using our services. TBC |