General Description and Terms and Fees

If you are renting an apartment that generates a decent income and would like to take a loan to buy one more apartment to rent out, you do not have to meet the loan terms immediately. You can qualify for the loan given your future rental income.

Purpose Apartment purchase, construction or renovation, purchase of plot of land
Loan amount 3000-500 000 USD* (equivalent in GEL/EUR)
Loan tenor 6-180 months
Interest Rate GEL from 12%, EURO from 10.35%, USD from 8.5% (for loans linked to the index)**
Effective Interest Rate GEL from 13.39%, EUR from 11.61%, USD from 9.59%
Effective Interest Rate if indexed rate changes by 5 points (GEL) / 3 points (foreign currency) GEL from 19.11%, EUR from 14.94%, USD from 12.86%
Effective Interest Rate if GEL depreciates by 15% EUR - from 33.84%, USD - from 31.22%
Disbursement fee 0.60%
Loan collateral Real estate - apartment, commercial space or plot of land
Life Insurance Rate 0.72%
Property Insurance Rate 0.28%
Withdrawal Fee (from the account) 0%-0.6% - according to the tariff for the account
Late Payment Penalty 20 GEL on the first day overdue; 0.5% of the outstanding amount per each day overdue (in total, no more than 1.5x of the outstanding principal balance).
Early repayment fee with own / from a difrerent bank 0.5% - if more than 6 months remain
0% - if less than 6 months remains 
Participation From 15%
Borrower A citizen of Georgia or a foreign country
Co-borrower Mother, father, sister, brother. Maximum 2 co-borrowers are allowed for one loan.
Income Salary, rent, money remittances, dividend
Ways to evidence income Salary account statement from a bank or Revenue Service, rent agreement, remittance statements, business analysis
Offset function Include the offset funtion
Loan of up to 400 000 GEL are disbursed only in GEL
Min. loan amount for non-residents is 2 000 USD.
Loans up to 200 000 Gel for Georgian citizens are issued only in national currency.
The interest rates given in the table are tied to the public index